When you think of Social Media, you think of either Facebook or Twitter. Facebook is basically what started it all. Although there were lots of other similar services like MySpace (remember that one), Friendster and more, Facebook kept it simple and with some new innovative features, it caught on quickly. Once the college crowd took over it (The young professionals), it was over. Facebook is the biggest social network in the world.
Some say that Twitter is an offshoot of Facebook's status update feature. Facebook is used for communication with friends Phone Number List and customers while Twitter is a more 'instant' version of that. Needless to say, both should be part of your marketing arsenal. Bottom line, marketing is not just about selling something, it's about getting 'connected' with other people. Here are a few of the social media channels that your business might benefit from.
Pinterest is a unique concept that is mainly used by women. People basically put up images that link back to a certain site or whatnot. It is also one of the fastest-growing social networks and also already in the top 20 most visited sites in the world. If you have a product or service geared towards women, this is definitely the place to be. What used to be an image-based blogging platform (Similar to Pinterest), it has now become another leading social network where a lot of the millennials hang out. Lots of activity here if you are selling something to this particular target market.