As well as in sub-Saharan Africa, with which we see that the representations do not necessarily adjust to the objective differences between the regions of the planet, since Europe is the least unequal continent. The equation, in this dimension, could be another. The perception of distributive injustice decreases when inequality decreases, but it does mobile phone number list not seem to “conform” when the dynamics of inequality do not continue its march of progress, and the stagnation ends up being processed in terms of regression . For its part, the “revenues should be more equal” option seems to have remained relatively stable.
The information we have indicates that the narrowing of inequality gaps does not discourage or reduce the demand for equality, but rather provides it with a higher expectation floor, in a way that is homologous to the improvement in living conditions of the mobile phone number list working class in the middle of the 20th centurylived through one of the most prolific periods of labor and trade union conflict in recent history. In summary, we know three things that will allow us to advance our understanding of the perception of inequality in future research.
(a) The perception of inequality is quite sensitive to the decrease in distributive inequality, but the changes are not only objective, but also expectations. In some way, the improvement in living conditions raises the bar on the horizon, and stability/stagnation in distributive matters or too slight an improvement can end up being judged by citizens as a mobile phone number list less fair distribution of income. (b) Although it is almost part of academic common sense to speak of «legitimation of inequalities», at least the data that we present here do not fully authorize us to express ourselves in those terms.